Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Duty to God--In the Home

(An outline of a talk I gave today at our Ward Conference)

Our Duty to God begins in the home. "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" states: Husband and wife have solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. "Chldren are an heritage of the Lord" (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens whereer they live. Husbands and wives--mothers and fathers--will be held accountable before God for the sicharge of these obligations.

essential elements of successful families:

: God for us/us for God, husband/wife, parent/child, others, God's creations
Love is a verb. simple daily acts of kindness and respect

2--Leadership: parents united, by persuasion and righteous example, children practice

3--Liberty: agency, accountability, start with small things

4--Learning: divine nature, God's plan, communication, personal relationships, social skills, provident living/homemaking, reading/writing/math
Elder Bednar in Feb Ensign: "learn to love learning"
FHE, family prayer and scripture study, personal study, practice,
example and conversation
learn where to seek learning: prayer, personal revelation, scriptures
"out of the best books", schools and community resources

5--Literacy: reading and writing (aside from spiritual knowledge) most valuable,
home libraries should begin with scriptures, personal journals, family histories

6--Listen: to each other, words of prophets, music, The Spirit

7--Language: spoken and written, avoid foul language, encourage conversation

8--Labor: WORK, daily chores, projects, jobs, "life is work, but rewards are great"

9--Lessons: from daily life, likening the scriptures, dinner table sharing

10--Limits: laws of the land, home rules, standards, discipline and obedience,
No Limits on Dreams

11--Laugh: A LOT! cheerfulness, happiness, "Men are that they might have joy"

12--Leave out: anger, criticism, "the world". "I am safe in my home"

13--Lift: encouragement, enthusiasm, believe in each other, support and help

14--Loyalty: family ties bind us, defend each other, be best friends

15--Live: D & C 42:45 " together in love". continue family ties & relationships

Satan is doubling his efforts and so must we.

As we foster Love in our families, Led by united parents, Learning Lessons with our skills in Literacy and Language, Laboring together, Listening to, Laughing with and Loyally Lifting each other, we will Leave Out "the world" and make choices that bring Liberty withing the Limits the Lord has set. With this preparation in our family life, we (parents and children) can go out into the world and "not fear". We will understand our personal worth and divine potential; our confidence will "wax strong." We will have the desire and ability to "go and do as the Lord has commanded," Living to the fullest this wonderful life that our Father in Heaven has given us, fulfilling our duty here on earth, and returning to Him with honor.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We're all experienced at waiting. We wait for dinner to be ready, school to get over, the baby to be born. We wait for getting a drivers license, going on a first date, graduating from high school. We wait to be thinner or older or richer. We wait at the doctor's office or the gas station or the motor vehicle registration office. We wait.

We wait for something that may happen, but might not happen. We wait for things that are good and things that are not so good. We wait for a push or a pull in one direction or another. We wait for an idea or plan, encouragement or warning. We wait to be smarter or stronger. We wait until we have the right job or the kids are grown or we've retired. We wait.

The problem with waiting is that while waiting we go nowhere, help no one, reach for little and accomplish less. We feel no peace or joy. We just wait.

"God is...experienced at waiting. When we're struggling through problems here on earth, trying to cope with the trials that block our way home, He longingly waits for us to turn to Him. He watches our stories unfold and waits for us to acknowledge His plan for our lives." (Barbara Johnson)

One blessing in my life is an understanding of God's plan for me. I know who I am and where I'm going. I have learned to confidently step ahead on the path He has set forth for me. I don't need to wait for the walls in my way to be moved; I seek His help and climb over them. I don't need to wait for courage when I feel fear; I seek His help and conquer the foe. I don't need to wait around for someone to push me along; I seek His strength to increase my own.

Of course, I'm nowhere near perfect and occasionally I find myself waiting when I should be moving along. Sometimes I doubt and question and wait when I should be trusting and believing and moving down the path. But I am learning. I am waiting less and seeking Him more.

I don't want God to wait on me. I find much more joy and peace in running to Him as I try to follow the path that will lead me to an eternal home with Him.

You should try it. Don't wait.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sienna Mae Weske

Sarah and Jon brought home their new baby yesterday. She is Sienna Mae Weske; born Thursday February 4 2010, 6 lbs 6 oz, 19 inches long. She is beautiful with flawless skin, a head full of very dark hair, and long eyelashes.

She has opened her eyes only once for me and I almost caught it.

She is tiny, petite in every way, perfect.

Sienna is our number 13 grandchild, loved and wanted, sure to be doted upon by all of us. She is a welcome miracle in our wonderful, fast-growing family. Welcome to Earth, Sienna!