I taught a Relief Society lesson today about The Creation........like the creation of the world and all that is upon it (as well as other "worlds without number", but that part is for another discussion). It was a wonderful, humbling, eye-opening opportunity to first recognize the power of God, then marvel at His wisdom and ability and thoroughness, and finally to gratefully acknowledge that He did it all for me and you.
Have you ever thought about the miracle of life? Not just human life, but all life---grass, shrubs, trees, fish, birds, animals, insects, even the earth itself. Each little detail that allows a species to not only exist, but to adapt and thrive and "fill the measure of it's creation", to reproduce it's own kind and "find joy there in."
I pondered on the way all things on the earth are inter-related, how often one species relies on another to survive. I searched through a plethora of photographs and videos of our world, recognizing the diversity of God's creations and the beauty in each. I delighted in the blessing of living life here in this wonderful place we call home.
I believe that Jesus Christ created the world under the direction of God the Father by the power of the holy priesthood he held. I believe earth was created to open the way for all of us, His children, to have life in physical bodies like His and form families and become like Him. I believe it was created in six periods of time (days, if you will), each in an organized order allowing the next to be possible. And I believe that after creating man and woman, his greatest creation, God rested knowing we could now follow His plan for us.
I am so thankful for life. I am thankful for the earth and all that is in it. I am thankful for a knowledge of God's love for me and recognize it in the world around me.
Take a few minutes to view the video presentation in the link below. Relax and bask in the majesty of this earth that is our home: