Sunday, August 9, 2009

Life with the Littons

I've been hanging out with the Litton children this week. Melody and Brock took a much needed vacation and I flew out to stay with the kids--a birthday present for the two of them.

After my first couple days with the whole family, the parents headed out on their adventure and dropped baby Madison off to another home for respite care (Madison is a foster daughter), leaving me with almost-16-year-old Jessica, 4-year-old Braxton and 3-year-old Blake. Though I have Sarah's three boys over on a regular basis, I haven't done much of the full time, sleep-over type babysitting for a while. It took us the first couple days to move into a routine that worked for all of us, but then it was a piece of cake......and really fun......and quite exhausting.

Jessica has been full of excitement and anticipation for her sweet sixteen birthday tomorrow. Every thought is currently tied to that event. She loves to shop. Walmart is her favorite place on earth! She tried in all possible ways to drag me (the confirmed non-shopper) down to the store to buy something--anything. She wanted this and needed that and hoped for this and couldn't live without that. We had a variety of conversations about using your money wisely and not expecting others to spend their money on silly things you want that would mean nothing tomorrow. We ordered her birthday cake, talked about possible activities for the party, looked through all the decorations she's been gathering for weeks, made invitations and invited everyone she knows to come to the party. Getting her to bed tonight will be difficult because she is so excited.

Braxton is currently interested in only two things: Bakugans (the latest transformer type toy) and money (preferably coins). He spends long periods of time spreading out his twelve Bakugans on the floor, opening them up into their "transformed" state and admiring them. He keeps the money he's earned or found in a backpack and will regularly pull the coins out and put them on the floor in front of him, counting each piece. It doesn't yet matter whether it's a penny or a quarter, each is just one. But at any given time he can tell you exactly how many coins he has collected.

Blake is a loving, giving, teddy bear jammed into a wildly energetic body. He loves hugs and kisses and "I love yous". He'll eat and drink about anything, but especially loves Popsicles. He'll share whatever he has, but will not be left out. He wants his turn. He likes to play rough, and hard and fast. But he also enjoys "shows" and stories and songs. He missed baby Madison and regularly asked if I missed her, too. He kept close track of how long it was until his parents would be coming home.

Madison is adorable. She is growing quickly and has left behind most signs of her very premature birth. She has beautiful skin and a charming smile. Her eyes are big and dark brown
and she has the tiniest feet! She loves to be held and in the middle of things. Her favorite spot is cuddled in the sling on Melody's chest. She fits right in to this unique, welcoming, loving family. They all hope it's forever.

So Melody and Brock are back and Madison, too. They had a good time and were ready to come home. We were all glad to see them. We attended church together and shared the rest of the day. Tomorrow will be a big day for Jessica and I'll be here to watch it all happen, helping out where I can.

Then Tuesday I'll fly home. I'm so glad to have come and shared a few days of life with the Littons.

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