Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Loving What Is"

I've been reading a book by Byron Katie, "Loving What Is". My sister Dede suggested it to me. While I won't go into the details of what she calls "The Work", I would like to share a few quotations from the book that struck a chord with me.

"I wasn't always able to live the advice that I so generously held out for others to live. When I realized this, I found myself on equal ground with the people I had judged. I saw that my philosophy wasn't so easy for any of us to live. I saw that we're all doing the best we can. This is how a lifetime of humility begins."

"For some of us, life is controlled by our thoughts about work and money. But if our thinking is clear, how could work or money be the problem? Our thinking is all we need to change. It's all we can change. This is very good news."

"Many of us are motivated by a desire for success. But what is success? What do we want to achieve? We do only three things in life: We stand, we sit, we lie horizontal. Once we've found success, we'll still be sitting somewhere, until we stand, and we'll stand until we lie down or sit again. Success is a concept, an illusion...Without a story, we're successful wherever we are."

"Everything happens for me, not to me."

"You move totally away from reality when you believe that there is a legitimate reason to suffer."

"Self-realization is the sweetest thing. It shows us how we are fully responsible for ourselves, and that is where we find our freedom. Rather than being other-realized, you can be self-realized. Instead of looking to others for your fulfillment, you can find it in yourself."

"Just keep coming home to yourself. You are the one you've been waiting for."

I found lots of thoughtful information in the book. I look forward to examining my thoughts with Katie's four questions. Though I don't agree all her ideas, I think there is much joy to be found with her methods and peace in "Loving What Is".

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