My daughter Mariah is 15.
For the last few months she has been the only child in our home. She loves it. She has her own big bed in her own big room filled with plenty of gadgets, lots of clothes, and a massive pile of shoes. She doesn't have to fight for time in the bathroom or possession of the remote control. She doesn't have to look for her clothes in someone else's closet or hide her favorite things from eager thieves. She enjoys a great amount of privacy and few unexpected interruptions.
Mariah is learning to drive. She practiced quite a bit with our mini truck in the motel parking lot, studied up on the driver's manual, passed her written exam and has been driving with a learner's permit for six months. She's taken me as far as Soda Spring, Idaho and Logan, Utah and even most of several trips to Utah County. She's doing really well. She is calm and alert when she drives and takes direction well. Six more months and I'm sure she will willingly take over the errand running that I will willingly turn over to her.
My recent parent/teacher conferences confirmed to me that Mariah is a great student. She is a conscientious, practical learner. Her teachers like her. One even said, and I quote, "I wish I had a whole classroom of Mariahs." Though straight A's like hers are not unusual in our family, Mariah's grades reflect one quite unique trait. She actually usually does assignments when they are given, instead of procrastinating until the day they are due.
Mariah likes to sing. This year she is in the high school choir and a performing group of only nine students called Celebration. Her director has her sing soprano with the choir and alto with Celebration. This has been a good opportunity for her to stretch her natural musical abilities as well as improve her stage presence.
Though I never expected it, Mariah became a cheerleader last year and again this year. Cheer leading is a sport that requires strength, flexibility, rhythmn, teamwork, and massive amounts of time. The squad gives immeasurable amounts of service and support to all the other teams, receiving little recognition in return. But Mariah has learned a lot in terms of her own capabilities and self confidence. She's discovered that she can do round offs and stunts and dance moves with style. She's had a lot of fun and made some new friends.
Seth, Mariah and I have been working on a fitness program for six weeks now, "Body for Life". Mariah has been remarkably dedicated and consistent. She is keeping me on track with the weight lifting and aerobic end of the program and I've been helping her with the food end. We're learning together and feeling pretty good in the process.
Mariah is a great gal. I think we'll keep her. We may never let her leave.
Hey Angie, I linked to your blog from Buck and Aubs and thought I would say hi. I can't believe how big Mariah is getting, and she's getting prettier and prettier every time I see her! When are these kids going to stop growing up?! :) Hope all is going well there at the Boyer home!
Hi Angie! I found your blog through ben and heidi. Just thought I'd say hi! I can't believe Mariah is 15, boy how time flies!
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